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When implementing analysis software for memory dumps one often needs to store information on ranges of memory. For example, one might want to store ranges that represent basic blocks or functions, in code or memory allocations and type information in memory dumps. Afterwards one might want to answer queries such as “give me all allocations intersecting some range (x,y)". In particular, this crate can be used to create better hex editor views, incorporating additional information.

This crate implements an interval tree datastructure based on an AVL tree. An IntervalTree maps ranges of u64 to any value. We can than use the tree to perform querys such as “what key/value pairs are intersecting the range (x,y)?” does “does the tree contain the range (X,Y)?". Insertion, deletion and lookup are in O(log(n)). Iterating over all m solutions to a query is in O(m*log(n)).

extern crate theban_interval_tree;
extern crate rand;
extern crate time;
extern crate memrange;

use memrange::Range;

fn main(){
    let data = 4221;
    let mut t = theban_interval_tree::IntervalTree::<i32>::new();


    t.insert(Range::new(1,1), data);
    t.insert(Range::new(2,2), data+1);
    t.insert(Range::new(3,3), data+2);

    assert_eq!{t.min().expect("get min"),(&Range::new(1,1),&data)};

    assert!(t.get_or(Range::new(1,1), &0) == &data);



    for (i,pair) in t.iter().enumerate() {

    for (i,pair) in t.range(34, 36).enumerate() {