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You love ipdb.set_trace() in python or binding.pry in ruby? You are sad that rust doesn’t offer the same comfort? is here to safe the day! With a simple call, it suspends the current process, spawns a new terminal and attaches gdb. This has many advantages:

  • Comfortable debugging. If you program in an IDE with limited debugger support, you get a much simpler debugging story than manually using gdb.
  • Fast conditional breakpoints. Real conditional breakpoints are slow as molasses. Doing if cond {gdb_probe();} is very fast.
  • No more stdout mess. If you debug a program with output on stdout, the debugger outputs doesn’t fight the programs output.

How to use

add "gdb_probe="0.1" to your Cargo.toml

extern crate gdb_probe;
use gdb_probe::gdb_probe;

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    let x = 3+4;
    gdb_probe(); //spawns a new terminal (urxvt) with gdb attached at this position.

Known Caveats

Warning If the target process dies before the debugger can attach, sometimes init is debugged instead. In that case forcefully terminating the debugger causes a reboot.

Depends on urxvt as a terminal.