Aurora July, 2020 Aurora automatically identifies the root cause of bugs found via fuzzing. Published at USENIX Security 2020
EthBMC July, 2020 A bounded model checker for smart contracts, that can steal money. Published at USENIX Security 2020
Ijon July, 2020 Allows the user to guide the fuzzer through the state space of the target program. Published at Oakland S&P 2020
Antifuzz July, 2019 Investigate weak points in current fuzzers to protect software from fully automatic fuzzing. Published at USENIX Security 2019
Grimoire July, 2019 Automatically infer grammar like fragments during normal feedback fuzzing to improve test coverage. Published at USENIX Security 2019.
Nautilus - Fuzzing with Grammars December, 2018 An AFL style feedback fuzzer, that uses grammars to find more bugs. Written in Rust and published at NDSS 2019
Redqueen December, 2018 A binary fuzzer that automatically solves magic Bytes and checksums during fuzzing. Published at NDSS 2019.
Syntia December, 2017 Uses program synthesis to deobfuscate VM instruction handlers used by obfuscators such as VMProtect and Themida. Published at USENIX Security 2017.